A quantitative guide to the degree of difficulty of the Times Quick Cryptic Crossword

Name: Narayanan

TftT Name
Solver Typetracked
Average Time17:02
SNITCH Alignment0.45

Top Ten Results

Date Day of week Crossword Solving Time (m:ss)
2024-07-30 Tuesday 2741 10:16
2025-02-11 Tuesday 2909 11:06
2025-02-13 Thursday 2911 11:25
2024-12-06 Friday 2852 12:15
2024-01-04 Thursday 2563 12:38
2025-01-24 Friday 2894 12:59
2024-03-15 Friday 2624 13:01
2023-11-16 Thursday 2528 13:03
2023-12-05 Tuesday 2541 13:08
2024-11-02 Saturday 2823 13:43

Recent Results

Personal NITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
81 2025-02-10 2909 65 2911 67
115 2025-02-03 2905 116
102 2025-01-27 2899 102
84 2025-01-20 2891 93 2894 76
92 2025-01-13 2884 92
123 2025-01-06 2878 112 2879 134

WITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
88 2025-02-10 2909 83 2911 85
97 2025-02-03 2905 93
117 2025-01-27 2899 117
95 2025-01-20 2891 86 2894 104
90 2025-01-13 2884 90
117 2025-01-06 2878 83 2879 152

Alignment to SNITCH