A quantitative guide to the degree of difficulty of the Times Quick Cryptic Crossword

Name: Rammy Trainor

TftT Name
Solver Typereference
Average Time13:16
SNITCH Alignment1.05

Top Ten Results

Date Day of week Crossword Solving Time (m:ss)
2024-09-02 Monday 2770 05:36
2024-02-23 Friday 2606 06:27
2024-06-28 Friday 2714 08:18
2024-01-10 Wednesday 2568 08:41
2024-10-10 Thursday 2803 08:57
2023-11-29 Wednesday 2537 09:00
2025-02-20 Thursday 2917 09:09
2024-05-28 Tuesday 2687 09:13
2024-05-07 Tuesday 2669 09:16
2024-10-24 Thursday 2815 09:28

Recent Results

Personal NITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
94 2025-02-17 2914 121 2917 68
127 2025-02-03 2905 127
122 2025-01-13 2887 122
156 2025-01-06 2881 125
104 2024-12-30 2873 108

WITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
113 2025-02-17 2914 147 2917 79
102 2025-02-03 2905 102
119 2025-01-13 2887 119
153 2025-01-06 2881 120
122 2024-12-30 2873 140

Alignment to SNITCH