A quantitative guide to the degree of difficulty of the Times Quick Cryptic Crossword

Name: Dofray

TftT Name
Solver Typereference
Average Time21:52
SNITCH Alignment0.72

Top Ten Results

Date Day of week Crossword Solving Time (m:ss)
2023-11-10 Friday 2524 02:26
2024-05-02 Thursday 2665 02:38
2023-06-28 Wednesday 2427 02:42
2023-09-27 Wednesday 2492 02:43
2023-08-14 Monday 2460 02:47
2023-11-16 Thursday 2528 02:56
2024-02-09 Friday 2594 03:07
2023-04-17 Monday 2375 03:09
2024-09-13 Friday 2780 03:09
2023-05-17 Wednesday 2397 03:22

Recent Results

Personal NITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
143 2025-02-03 2902 111 2903 147 2904 141 2905 150 2906 168
144 2025-01-27 2896 129 2899 158 2900 146
124 2025-01-13 2886 156 2887 93
136 2025-01-06 2878 152 2881 139 2882 119
127 2024-12-30 2872 116 2873 109 2876 157

WITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
135 2025-02-03 2902 115 2903 126 2904 167 2905 120 2906 151
150 2025-01-27 2896 126 2899 181 2900 144
130 2025-01-13 2886 169 2887 91
129 2025-01-06 2878 113 2881 133 2882 141
144 2024-12-30 2872 123 2873 141 2876 170

Alignment to SNITCH

Monthly average times

The table below shows the monthly average solving times for Dofray

MonthAverage time
Jan 2025 21:52
Aug 2024 13:24

Plot of average time in minutes
