A quantitative guide to the degree of difficulty of the Times Quick Cryptic Crossword

Name: MichaelE

TftT Name
Solver Typereference
Average Time14:51
SNITCH Alignment1.24

Top Ten Results

Date Day of week Crossword Solving Time (m:ss)
2023-10-18 Wednesday 2507 06:32
2024-04-09 Tuesday 2645 07:15
2024-03-05 Tuesday 2615 07:35
2024-11-21 Thursday 2839 07:36
2024-02-14 Wednesday 2598 07:37
2024-09-25 Wednesday 2790 07:50
2024-04-18 Thursday 2653 08:03
2025-02-12 Wednesday 2910 08:09
2024-02-06 Tuesday 2591 08:11
2023-12-06 Wednesday 2542 08:20

Recent Results

Personal NITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
71 2025-02-17 2914 61 2915 94 2917 60
87 2025-02-10 2908 106 2909 80 2910 54 2911 109 2912 89
121 2025-02-03 2902 89 2903 102 2904 117 2905 178
75 2025-01-13 2886 75
155 2024-12-30 2875 150 2876 160

WITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
78 2025-02-17 2914 74 2915 91 2917 69
100 2025-02-10 2908 107 2909 102 2910 73 2911 139 2912 83
115 2025-02-03 2902 92 2903 87 2904 139 2905 143
81 2025-01-13 2886 81
157 2024-12-30 2875 141 2876 173

Alignment to SNITCH