A quantitative guide to the degree of difficulty of the Times Quick Cryptic Crossword

Name: keithandginnybirrell

TftT Name
Solver Typereference
Average Time16:27
SNITCH Alignment1.69

Top Ten Results

Date Day of week Crossword Solving Time (m:ss)
2024-03-29 Friday 2636 08:47
2024-07-26 Friday 2738 09:20
2024-01-24 Wednesday 2580 09:33
2024-01-04 Thursday 2563 09:51
2024-07-30 Tuesday 2741 10:33
2024-11-06 Wednesday 2826 10:45
2024-01-22 Monday 2578 10:46
2024-11-29 Friday 2846 11:23
2024-10-07 Monday 2800 11:41
2024-02-23 Friday 2606 11:50

Recent Results

Personal NITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
188 2025-02-17 2914 188
189 2025-02-10 2908 245 2910 133
82 2025-01-20 2892 82
208 2025-01-13 2884 272 2887 145
94 2024-12-30 2873 103 2876 85

WITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
229 2025-02-17 2914 229
214 2025-02-10 2908 247 2910 182
101 2025-01-20 2892 101
204 2025-01-13 2884 266 2887 142
112 2024-12-30 2873 133 2876 92

Alignment to SNITCH