A quantitative guide to the degree of difficulty of the Times Quick Cryptic Crossword

Name: f4rch

TftT Name
Solver Typereference
Average Time09:29
SNITCH Alignment1.26

Top Ten Results

Date Day of week Crossword Solving Time (m:ss)
2025-02-19 Wednesday 2916 04:05
2025-02-14 Friday 2912 05:20
2025-02-12 Wednesday 2910 05:33
2025-02-11 Tuesday 2909 05:35
2025-02-13 Thursday 2911 05:45
2025-02-20 Thursday 2917 05:58
2025-01-28 Tuesday 2897 06:23
2025-02-05 Wednesday 2904 06:32
2025-02-26 Wednesday 2922 06:34
2025-03-01 Saturday 2925 06:39

Recent Results

Personal NITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
158 2025-03-03 2926 140 2927 154 2929 96 2930 88

WITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
157 2025-03-03 2926 194 2927 165 2929 102 2930 101

Alignment to SNITCH